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We encourage a good standard of dress at all times and want children to represent the school positively.

We strongly encourage children to wear school uniform as we feel this promotes a sense of belonging and

identity and helps develop pride in our school.

  • White polo shirt with or without school logo

  • Grey trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore

  • Maroon jumper/sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo

  • Pink and white check summer dress

  • Grey, black or white socks (long or short) or tights

  • Black enclosed school shoes (no open toes or boots please)

  • Book Bag - no rucksacks

  • Optional: Maroon reversible fleece jacket with logo

  •  A clear, plastic water bottle


Children should wear their PE clothes to school on their PE day.

  • Maroon PE shorts or black jogging bottoms.

  • Yellow PE top

  • Sweatshirt; plain colour no zip or buttons

Outdoor Learning


On the day that your child has Outdoor Learning we would ask that you do not send your child in school uniform.

Instead please send them in wearing suitable clothing for such activities, similar to the winter PE kit i.e. jogging bottoms,

t- shirts, warm jumper, coat, waterproofs, sun hat. We also ask that you provide a pair of wellies to leave in school.

Lost Property


All uniform items should be clearly labeled with at least a child’s initial and surname.  Name labels can be obtained from various suppliers.  In the event that an item of school uniform is lost in school, a Lost Property box is held at the School Office.  We will always try to reunite named items with the child as soon as possible. Unnamed lost property will be disposed of at the end of every term.

Second Hand Uniform

Our PTA, Friends of Hamstel hold uniform sales on the first Wednesday of each month from the cabin at the side of the Junior School playground.

We have a limited stock of second hand uniform in the school office for sale at a cost of 50p per item. Please contact the school office for details.


Other uniform guidelines


Children should wear smart, plain black footwear with no logos. 


We expect children to come to school with clean, brushed hair. Hair bands are to be in a plain band of school colours. All those children with long hair are to tie it back during the school day. 

No bracelets, necklaces or rings should be worn because of the risk of injury to the wearer or to another child.




We follow the Local Authority Health and Safety advice regarding the wearing of earrings during Physical Education and Swimming. We would prefer that children have earrings removed before coming to school on their PE and Swimming days. If they are worn children will have to remove their own earrings and place them in a small named container. After the physical activity, including swimming, they must replace their own earrings.


We respectfully ask that ear piercing is done at the beginning of the summer holiday and we would prefer our children to wear only one earring in each ear during school time.


Watches can be worn in school but again, will have to be taken off before any physical activity. This includes fitness watches.


All valuable items are worn at the discretion of the parent/carer and the school accepts no responsibility for loss or damage.

Tel: 01702 468461  /   /  Hamstel Infant School & Nursery Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ

                  Part of the Portico Academy Trust - opening doors, unlocking potential -

                  Portico House, 59 Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 2JB - 01702 987890

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