Hamstel Media Team
Our final mission as this year’s Media Team was to interview children and grown- ups about how they are feeling as we end the year at Hamstel Infants. We had our microphones and cameras at the ready and our questions prepared. Here is what some of the grown-ups had to say:
Maggie: It’s nearly the end of the year, how are you feeling?
Mr Sayer: The year has flown, hasn’t it? I’m feeling very proud of everyone and I will be missing all of Year 2.
Summer: What are you most proud of this year?
Miss Goodman: I am very proud of all of the children but especially Year 2 and their Pirates vs Mermaids performance. It has been fantastic!
Maggie: What are you most proud of this year?
Miss Iruskieta: Everyone, of course! Especially the whole of Year 2 and The Media Team.
Miss Whiston: I agree. We are so proud of everyone and we will definitely be missing Year 2 children.
We then asked a couple of children who had been in the fantastic end of year 2 show, ‘Pirates vs. Mermaids’, if we had permission to interview them and here is what our friends said:
Alfie: Are you excited to be going up to Year 3?
Didi: Absolutely. I am really excited about the stories I’m going to write and the challenges. Being Captain Scarypants has been a challenge but I have enjoyed it a lot.
Nicolas: Did you enjoy being part of Pirates vs Mermaids?
Elliot: Yes, I’ve loved it. I especially enjoyed singing the songs.
Summer: What was your favourite part of the show?
Isaac: Normally, I would say the songs but I fell off the stage today and it was very funny.
Nicolas: What was your favourite part of the show?
Othniel: My favourite part of the show was the crocodile being delivered and scaring the mermaids. That was hilarious.
Once again, we have had a brilliant time being journalists and we have really enjoyed talking to everyone. We think everyone is feeling excited about the summer holidays and we can’t wait to bring to you the coverage of the next events in September. That’s a wrap! Media Team over and out.