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Captain Tom 100 Challenge

I would like to say a very big thank you for supporting us with our Captain Tom 100 challenge that took place on Friday 30th April 2021.

In April 2020 Captain Tom set out to walk around his garden to thank our NHS heroes. One hundred laps later, he’d raised an incredible £38.9 million for the NHS Covid Appeal.

Friday 30th April would have been Captain Tom’s 101st birthday and to build on that legacy we honoured his achievements by setting a fun fund raising event to continue to support the excellent work of the NHS.

Each class took on the challenge of using 100 Rice Crispies to make a small montage in honour of Captain Tom. Some children even blew and burst 100 bubbles! All the children had a lovely time with their creations and were proud to take part in such an honourable event.

The school is donating to The Captain Tom Foundation to ensure the legacy of his determination continues. Please continue to send in your donations via ParentPay and we will pass the amount raised on to the Captain Tom 100 Foundation. To date we have raised more than £100 to support this charitable work. If you would like to find out more please go to the website at

At Hamstel our motto is ‘We Care’, and even supporting in these small ways, we certainly do.

Captain Tom’s message is ‘Tomorrow will be a good day’, a message we would like to share.

Please see just some of the lovely creations made by your children.

There is still time to donate should you wish to.

Thank you!

Rainbow Room

The children in the Rainbow Room celebrates Captain Tom 100 by bursting 100 bubbles!


Year 1

Year 2


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