Hamstel Infant School and Nursery
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468461
Part of the Portico Academy Trust
opening doors, unlocking potential
Our Art Curriculum Intent
At Hamstel Infant School and Nursery we understand the importance of providing our children with a quality art, craft and design curriculum that stimulates creativity and imagination. Our art curriculum provides expressive opportunities and a creative way of understanding and responding to the world. Our Hamstel Headlines form part of our drive for quality first teaching in art across the school.
We aim:
For all children to receive a broad, balanced art curriculum that immerses them in learning that is creative, imaginative, memorable, engaging and meaningful.
To offer all children an art curriculum that ensures the progressive development of their art knowledge and skills.
To directly teach and develop subject specific vocabulary to children.
To create opportunities to enrich and secure learning, ensuring children remember more and can therefore do more.
All children have opportunities to practice and develop their creative and imaginative skills and knowledge through carefully planned opportunities.
To ensure all children can verbally articulate and express their knowledge and understanding of an age-appropriate, ambitious art curriculum.
That by the end of Key Stage One, all of our children will have participated in a range of learning opportunities and experiences, inside and outside the classroom that enhances their skills, knowledge and understanding of artists, and creativity through colour, texture, form and pattern.
This will be achieved by:
Art being taught through engaging and immersive themes, linked to Artist studies with opportunities for children to express themselves and make connections threaded through the curriculum
Promoting creativity, independence and opportunities for expressive art
Using our local community and resources to enhance the children’s art learning
Teaching deliberate subject specific vocabulary to enhance vocabulary development
Modelling key vocabulary and the use stem sentences support children’s articulation and oracy skills
A carefully planned art curriculum that shows progression and sequenced lessons from Nursery to end of KS1.
Adapting outcomes, tasks and resources to meet the needs of all children
Use of formative assessment to build on previous learning and move learning forward
Having a range of resources and experiences to enhance the teaching and learning of art
How will we know we have achieved our aims?
Children will use vocabulary correctly to communicate their understanding of art
Children will begin to make connections about art to other learning
Children will develop their knowledge, skills, and inquisitiveness about artists and pieces of artwork
Children will have a good bank of early techniques and skills that they can apply to their own artwork
The learning of art is loved by teachers and children across the school.
Teachers have high expectations and children make good progress across their art lessons
Children confidently use their creativity and imagination to produce their own art work which they are proud of
All children speak confidently and positively about their art learning
By celebrating key artists past and present and children can talk about them